About me

Hello, here I am.
In the air and in the water
I am 66 and father of 3 children and 3 grand children. Besides being an Artist for several years I’ve beeb teacher in handcrafts and technic to children in the age of 12-13 Year old at VMBO.
I paint a la prima. That means wet in wet directly. Normally I paint with 2-8 work at the same time. When I am busy with the grounding at one I can finish at the same time another one. In my Paintings I use symbols. Water and the woman are symbol for feelings. The child for innocence and the playfullness. The colour blue stand for calmth, peace and infinity. The green for hope, growth and life. The interpretation is for the eye of the beholder. I
I started making water paintings because I began to appreciate by several experiences water, the sea as a place where you can relax and come to peace. If you than can experience that when you go into the depth that that it is tremendously joyfull, nice, beautifull and quiet. Than a world opens up to you. I am also an Aquarius as a sign.
Portrait of a precious pet or a family member.
I prefer to take the picture myself. But when that is not possible ….When you want a portrait from your own pictures… than it is important that the face is placed on the picture for 3/4 or en face. That the person looks in the camera and that the picture is sharp and a high resolution as possible.. Taken in daylight without the red eyes. Besides I like to have the person at easy, warm and open possible and with pleasure and joy.
For a pet it’s the same. But more important by pets is that a I can see the fine structuren of hair ( by cats and horses) and there is no backlight. I only can paint what I can see right. So use pictures with high resolution.
Making a portrait cost time. It can take Some months till a year or more, definitely if there is more on the picture.
For one portrait the cost are € 400,00 ( including a canvas with size 70 x 90cm). It there are more faces the the canvas becomes bigger the price will be higher. We discuss that when you decide to order. When you want a portrait within a month I ask an extra ammount of 400 €. ( I have to paint each day than) For pets, animals and so I ask 550€ par animal/pet.